
Q: Why can't the lubrication pump be used at the beginning (no oil output)?

A: There is residual oil from the initial setup inside the machine, so oil plugs are used to block the oil inlet and outlet to prevent residual oil from leaking out. Please make sure to remove the oil plugs from both the oil inlet and outlet.

Q: Is it normal to hear air leakage during use?

A: Pneumatic lubrication pumps operate by air pressure, and it is normal for them to emit air leakage sounds when the pump is operating.
※If there is still air leakage after stopping the operation, it indicates that the air valve is not completely closed and requires maintenance.

Q: Daily maintenance and care of the lubrication pump

● When not in use, please disconnect the compressed air pipe first, and then tighten the handle of the grease gun again to release the pressure inside the pump, in order to maintain the lifespan of internal parts.
● Install a water filter device for the air source, or regularly clean the water in the air compressor. Excessive moisture may cause cylinder damage.
● If the lubrication pump operates without delivering oil (no oil output), it may cause high temperature and damage to parts. Once such a situation occurs, please stop using it.
● Please pay attention to avoid sand and other foreign objects from entering the oil, otherwise it may cause pump blockage.

Q: Simple troubleshooting and solution for lubrication pump Fault Condition.

Failure situation Things to check Exclusion method
The pump dose move Small grease/oil output 1. Is the air pressure normal?
2. Is the grease/oil too thick?
3. Is there any foreign matter stuck in the grease/oil gun?
1.Adjust the appropriate air pressure
2.Replace grease/oil with moderate consistency
3.Remove foreign matter
No grease/oil output
(empty play or non-stop play)
1. Is there no oil in the barrel?
2. Is the oil too hard?
3. There may be pressure in the pump that needs to be relieved.
4. It may be that the air valve cannot operate normally due to obstruction by foreign matter.
Pressure relief method: Unplug the grease/oil pipe and connect the air pressure pipe to let the pump operate until grease/oil comes out.
The pump dosen't move The exhaust hole continues to leak air The air valve may be damaged and must be repaired.
※If the pump is operating and oil is flowing normally, it is normal for the exhaust hole to be exhausted.
The exhaust hole dosen't leak air 1. Check whether the oil line is blocked by foreign matter
2. Is there any foreign matter stuck at the bottom of the pump suction pipe?
If the foreign matter cannot be removed, it must be sent for repair

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